pay your bill online
To pay your bill online,
please click on your Doctor's Link listed below:
Some services are not covered by OHIP, and the patient will be responsible for payment when these services are requested. These fees are set out by the OMA. For all non-OHIP insured services you use, you will have the option of either paying for each individual service as you use it, or by paying an annual block fee.
The Following Uninsured Services ARE covered by the Annual Block Fee:
Prescription refills by phone or fax (emergency short term refills at physician’s discretion only): $15
Telephone advice (in emergency situations and only at physician’s discretion): $30
Removal of cosmetic lesions: $30-50
Driver’s Medical Examinations/Third Party Physicals (will be reduced to $75 if annual fee paid): $125
Notes/letters on behalf of patients: $10-20
Lost Notes/Prescriptions: $15
Short Forms for Work/School: $10-20
The Following Uninsured Services ARE NOT covered by the Annual Block Fee:
Missed Appointment: $30
Missed Physical Appointment: $60
Extensive Disability Report/Insurance Forms: OMA Rate
Transfer of Records: Pages 1-5 $35 / Each page thereafter $1.30
Legal Reports: OMA Rate